

Cubus programs are developed further! They are adapted to new requirements, e.g. operating systems, errors are corrected, improvements and user needs are incorporated. With releases of new versions within a software generation you are always up to date.

Cubus programs build a family! The Cubus programs interact and use shared components, which means that for a match all members of the family must originate from the same software release. Therefore updates affect all Cubus software modules installed on a computer.

For an annual fee you can subscribe to the Update-Service offered by Cubus to supply you with the newes versions as soon as they are released.

What you get by the Update-Service

  • You work with the latest versions and profit from improvements and error corrections.
  • You can only exchange calculation data with a project partner if you both work with the same program versions, which is garanteed if both use the update service.
  • You will always be informed about the releases of new updates.
  • Updates are ready for download from the internet immediately after their release.
  • Newly bought program modules are not compatible with older program versions.
  • Service options like e.g. CADview for CEDRUS only work with a valid update service.

What is NOT included in the Update-Service?

  • Upgrades to a new generation of programs (e.g., from CEDRUS-8 to CEDRUS-9)
  • Support for modeling questions (only questions concerning program operation and installation)
  • Analysis of projects
  • Guaranteed response time for support requests
  • Multiple support requests per customer at the same time
  © 2025 Cubus AG, Zürich