Sentinel migration instructions
These migration instructions assume that you can already work with the Cubus programs on your PC. After receiving a new Sentinel protective key, you would now like to complete the migration by deploying it into operation. The following steps must be carried out in the order listed:
- Check the requirements for using the Sentinel
- The procedure for the most common usage scenarios
- Optional functionality that could be of interest
1. Prerequisites
Basic requirements for use on the PC:
- A working installation of the Cubus programs with release no. ≥ 233(0).
- Load the updated license file (e.g. automatically using CubusExplorer or manually via
Additional requirements if the Sentinel is used in the network:
- Port 1947 for TCP and UDP must be open in the network
- The driver¹ must be installed on the server to which the Sentinel is connected.
Requirements for the use of optional functionality (e.g. Sentinel in another subnet):
- The driver¹ must be installed on the PC.
2. Procedure
A distinction is made between 2 usage scenarios:
- Local: Protection key that must be connected locally to the workstation on which you wish to work with the software. The software can be installed on any number of PCs, but it can only be started on the PC to which the protection key is connected.
- Network: Protection key connected to a PC in the network (henceforth referred to as the license server). The software must be installed on each PC on which you wish to work (hereinafter referred to as the client PC). The client PC obtains the necessary licenses from the protection key via the network as soon as the programs are started.
Procedure for a local Sentinel
If you meet the requirements, you can simply remove the old protection key and plug in the Sentinel. You will need to deactivate the old «hardlock» licenses.
Procedure for a network-capable Sentinel
- Make sure that the minimum driver version¹ is installed on the license server and plug the Sentinel into a free USB-A port.
- The Sentinel uses port 1947 with the TCP and UDP protocols for communication. This must be open in both directions along the entire chain.
- If the Sentinel is not in the same subnet as the PCs, you must explicitly enter its IP address. The procedure is described in the Optional functionality section.
Starting the programs with the new Sentinel licenses
As a user, you should deactivate the systems that belong to the old Hardlock and activate the systems that belong to Sentinel via the graphical user interface of the CubusExplorer (in the «Settings» → «Licenses & Updates» menu).
As a network administrator, you can control this adjustment via a registry entry for each PC. This is described in the conventional installation instructions in the chapter «Restriction of available licenses».
The programs will now recognize the Sentinel when they are started. Projects can now be edited with the new licenses.
- As soon as you can start the programs with the new Sentinel, please return any «Hardlock» protection keys to us. Customers in Switzerland should receive a prepaid envelope for this in the Sentinel delivery.
- If a PC switches to energy-saving mode, the Sentinel automatically cuts the connection after a few minutes. When it wakes up again, open projects can only be saved and closed. We therefore recommend that you do not use energy-saving mode.
3. Optional functionality
The Sentinel Admin Control Center (ACC) replaces the Hardlock Monitor. All settings can be made there. After installing the driver¹ on the PC, the ACC can be accessed via the Internet browser using the following link: http://localhost:1947. Under «Sentinel Keys» you can select the protection key that you wish to configure.
How to install the driver on a PC
If you want to install the driver on the client PC in the role of the user, you can install it using the graphical user interface of CubusExplorer. Do not be confused: This driver works for «Hardlock» as well as «Sentinel».
If you want to install the driver on the client PCs in the role of network administrator, you can call up the installation program directly via the command line. The corresponding program «haspdinst.exe» can be found in the software installation folder of the client PC (e.g: C:\Program Files (x86)\Cubus Software\2410\CubusShared\Thales\Bin). If you also need to install the driver on the license server, you can use this installation program in the same way.
How does the software find the license server in larger networks?
By default, a sentinel only searches and transmits within its subnet. In some scenarios, however, this is not always sufficient. This is often the case, for example, with branch offices, centralized IT infrastructure, remote access or employees who connect via VPN. In this case, the explicit IP address of the license server to which the Sentinel is connected must be entered on the client PC.
In the ACC, you can enter the IP address of the server to which the protection key is connected in the «Configuration» → «Access to Remote License Managers» tab of the client PC. As a network administrator, you may want to automate this process. To do this, you must first close all Cubus programs, stop the «Sentinel LDK License Manager» service of the client PC and add the corresponding line in the Sentinel configuration file. This can usually be found here: «C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Aladdin Shared\HASP\hasplm.ini». You can then start the service again.
¹ The driver version 8.31 is located in the installation directory of release no. 233(0). The driver versions 8.31, 8.51, 9.12, 9.14, 9.16 und 10.11 were tested.