

Service contracts

All generations

  1. How can I subscribe to a Service contract?
  2. What does Service contract cost?

Generation 8

  1. Will I be informed about new updates?
  2. Why are available updates not shown in Cubus Explorer?
  3. How do I install an update?
  4. We have the Cubus software installed in an administered network and we want to prevent that any client can start the update by themselves.

Generation 7

  1. Will I be informed about new updates?
  2. The CubusManager doesn't open automatically and thus I'm not informed about available Updates.
  3. What can I do when the CubusManager shows the error message „You have no internet connection to the Cubus Update Server.”?
  4. What does the following error message from the CubusManager mean? „You have no rights for the Cubus Internet Update Service.”
  5. How do I install an update?
  6. We installed the Cubus software on a server and would like to prevent the internet update on the clients.