
FAQ, Miscellaneous, Generation 8, Question 4

How do I send the data of a calculation by e-mail?

IMPORTANT: The following steps are performed directly on the calculation! If you do not want to make these changes, create a copy of your calculation first.

Only valid for a CEDRUS building calculation:

  1. Before you send the e-mail you should reduce the data volume in order to minimize the e-mail size. Open your calculation and click on the button shown below which you find in the tabsheet 'Geometry'. The results of all slab analyses will then be removed.

  2. In the tabsheet ‘Space frame model’, delete all existing, generated space frame models.
  3. Save the calculation.

For all kind of calculations:

  1. Start the CubusExplorer. Select the relevant calculation in it with the right mouse button and select „Show for sending” in the context menu. The calculation is compressed with all required inputs.

  2. This opens the Windows calculation folder where you can find your calculation with the same name as * .zip file (the file is already selected, you may need to sort the folder to find the file). You can attach this zip file to the e-mail.

When you send data to Cubus as part of the Cubus Hotline please keep in mind to