

Option S of STATIK

This option covers the following special features:
- Axispoints for the definition of cross section axis
- Structure lines
- Construction stages
- Stability analysis
- Externally bonded reinforcement

Axis Points

If an axis point is defined in a cross section (input in FAGUS), the member axis goes through this point rather than through the center of gravity.
This simpifies the input of members especially for bridges and allows a correct superposition of results from construction stages with changing cross sections.

Structure Lines

Since girder bridges are often curved in both ground and side view, the input is very much simpilyfied by working with curved reference lines, the so called structure lines. They are continuous lines running for example along the roadway axis of a bridge. The program automatically generates members along the structure lines with the axis points of their cross sections lying on the structure line. All loads are defined along the structure lines. Changes of cross sections and therefore also of centers of gravity don't make it necessary to adapt the input of member axis or loads.

Construction Stages

The concept of construction stages allows the superposition of results calculated in different construction stages, i.e. each loading can act in a different construction stage and its results can later be combined with results from loadings acting in other stages.

The construction stages may differ regarding
- Support conditions
- Nodal constraints
- Active status of members
- Hinges
- Cross sections
- Overwriting of cross section stiffnesses
- Consideration of shear deformations

Stability Analyses

The linear elastic stability analyses find the buckling load factor λ, by which a given loading may be increased until instability is reached (Euler's buckling load). Together with the buckling load factor you also get the buckling mode both being the result of an eigenvalue calculation.

The loading may also be a combination of a loading N0 held constant and a loading N that is increased up to the stability limit.
The stability problem is then defined by:
Buckling load = N0 + λ * N

Externally bonded Reinforcement

STATIK allows, together with FAGUS, the analysis of externally bonded reinforcements consisting of materials of the types fibre composite and construction steel. The option A for FAGUS is needed.