

Option N of STATIK

This module allows to include nonlinear support components (only positive or negative reaction forces or moments possible) as well as nonlinear truss members taking only tension or compression forces.

Nonlinear Support Components

  • Any defined support component (rigid or elastic) can be restricted to take only positive or negative reactions

Nonlinear Truss Members

  • Truss members have the option to take only tension or compression forces

Calculation Method

  • The solution is found by iteration
  • Since nonlinearly calculated results of different loadings may not be superimposed, the program allows to combine existing loadings with arbitrary factors to get new loadings, which can be calculated nonlinearly
  • The algorithms to evaluate results for the very useful envelope specifications generally lead to superposition of results. Since this is not allowed for nonlinear calculations, STATIK offers the option to generate all the possible loading combinations implied by an envelope specification and to introduce a new envelope specification, which only compares results of combinations and thus leads to no superposition.