- The timing, respectively the construction program for a long-term analysis is covered by a coherent series of construction states.
For each construction state, an activation time and the associated concrete age can be entered. All newly activated members of a construction state take over the corresponding properties, if they were declared as «creep members». Any number of such stages are possible.
- New construction states are introduced at the following events:
- New creep members will be active
- Structure will be modified
- New loadings will be active
- Change environmental or parameters of creeping
Calculation parameter and -algorithm
- The creep and shrink function are based on the information provided by Eurocode.
- Solution method according to «Trost». Discretization of the time course by (any number of) time steps. Each loading is treated separately for the whole time.
- The model or its forces defined with the prestressing module are adopted (prestressing as external action by means of anchor and deflecting forces).
- Prestressing losses at the time t = ∞ :
For each tendon group the losses are taken into account with a lump sum factor.
For a more accurate calculation of the losses, the analysis module of the cross-section program FAGUS is available.
- History of the prestressing losses:
the corresponding curves of the codes are used for taking into account the history. Since the history of creep, shrinkage and preload relaxation is different, the corresponding division can be controlled by weighting factors.
- Deformations, section forces, stresses as in the basic module (arbitrary cuts, numerical or graphical output)
- Graphical output of the history of any result set (for example bending moment in member x, distance xx)
