
Base Module and
Option for 3D Structures


The base module of STATIK is a program for the linear-elastic analysis of general two-dimensional frame structures according to the theories of first and second order. The option 3D extends the scope to three-dimensional structures. The program offers a lot of flexibility and features regarding the modeling of structures, loadings and results. For the input of cross sections it is assisted by FAGUS whoose base module is included in the scope of delivery.


BIMlink - Building Information Modeling

  • Reading of 3D BIM files in IFC format (versions 2x3 and 4)
  • Representation of the BIM model as a background image for the space frame model from STATIK
  • Automatic conversion of BIM components into members possible
  • Fast input of the member structure of the calculation model due to the transfer of data from the BIM model (cross sections, member axes).
  • Update of 3D BIM data: detection and display of model changes. Display of new, modified or deleted components for the purpose of quickly adapting the relevant member data.


  • Members with constant or linearly varying cross section
  • Excentrically connected member ends
  • Hinges at member ends, independently definable for all degrees of freedom, also elastic connections
  • Cross section stiffnesses can be overwritten or multiplied by a factor
  • Various ways to define the orientation of members in space
  • Structure lines with linearly varying cross sections for the definition of curved structures like bridges (Option S)

Cross Sections

  • Comprehesive library of rolled steel section
  • Parametrized cross sections (list of types extendable), optionally including reinforcement
  • Arbitrarily definable cross sections (polygonal or thin-walled, composite sections)


  • Independent support conditions for all degrees of freedom (rigid, elastic or free)
  • Arbitrary orientation of the nodal coordinate system
  • Nodal constraints (e.g. for rigid connections or the modeling of a scissor joint)

Dokumentation of the Input Data

  • Graphics, associative dimensioning, different types of representation (axis lines, wireframe, rendering)
  • Complete documentation in tabular form
  • Part lists, sorted by cross sections and lengths, including surface areas


  • Nodal loads: forces, moments, prescribed displacements and rotations
  • Member loads: concentrated and linearly varying forces, moments, strains and curvatures in local and global directions;
    trapezoidal loads on a series of members; excentric loads
  • Inertia forces for self weight and earthquake
  • Surface loads (point-, line- and area loads) with automatic transfer to the assigned members
  • Combinaion of loadings (as a linear conbination of existing loadings, useful for second order or nonlinear calculations)
  • Several load generators, e.g. for road traffic, etc.
  • Loadings assignable to action categories according design codes
  • Influence lines


  • Linear first order
  • Linear second order, taking account of imperfections, which can be generated according to various criterions
  • Graphic display of degrees of freedom causing instability
  • The field of application is extended by the following options :
    (N) Nonlinearities (compression/tension only members and supports)
    (D) Dynamic analyses (natural vibrations, response spectrum method)
    (V) Prestressing module (graphic input of tendons)
    (S) Specialities like structure lines, construction stages, buckling, etc.
    (FGA) Reinforced concrete analyses
    (AVE) Analyses of steel bars



  • Output of section based quantities in arbitrary sections; automatic generation of sections according to the loads
  • Superposition of results from different construction stages (option S)
  • Selective results (working planes, subsystems, selected objects)
  • Graphic results labeled automatically of interactively
  • Local values of result curves displayed at cursor
  • Specially marked results exceeding definable limit values
  • Units and no. of decimal places definable for all quantities
  • Rendered and animated display of deformations

For Loadings and Loading Combinations

  • Section forces, reactions, member and nodal displacements
  • Cross section results (stresses, strains, ...) in arbitrary points of a section; maximum values for each material in a section

For Envelope Specifications

  • Automatic superposition of loadings according to the design code (actions, hazard scenarios, design situations)
  • Section forces, member displacements, Reactions
  • Envelopes of cross section results (stresses, ...)

Influence Lines

  • Influence lines for arbitrary components of a moving point load

Design and Verifications

  • Automatic postprocessing by cross section program FAGUS for design and verifications (FAGUS license needed)
  • Automatic postprocessing by AVENA for design and verification of steel members (AVENA license needed)

More features

User interface

  • Comfortable graphical input of all geometrically defined data with common CAD tools of the object-oriented Graphics editor
  • Keeping overview when working with large structures thanks to subsystm views, working planes, clipping boxex, isometric or perpective view in any direction
  • Unlimited Undo-/Redo functionality
  • Very handy ways to modify all input data either of specific objects or object groups
  • Management of all input objects according to their type using layers, whose visibility can be activated and deactivated individually
  • After modifying input data the desired result is availabe again at the push of a button (automatic checks and results)
  • Transfer of any input object from one calculation to another witch copy/paste.
  • CAD drawing functions for completing images (dimensioning, labeling, line and area objects)
  • Configuration of the environment (color of each object, symbol size, font size, dimension units and number of decimal places of all values, used as default in dialogs)
  • Detailed, contextual help system and hints at the cursor; manual in PDF format


  • Import and export (version 2x3) in IFC format with BIMlink
  • DXF import and export
  • DSTV export
  • Text interface (ASCII format) for import of structural and loading data
  • Export to clipboard, WMF, EMF, DXF
  • Import of structures defined from STATIK-3

Printing, print preview

  • Report update after modification of input data

see also at shared features at CubusViewer

Administration of calculations

see at shared features at CubusExplorer

Supported codes

  • SIA, Eurocode, DIN, OeNorm (more on request)