Reinforced Concrete Columns
PYRUS is a program for the nonlinear dimensioning and analysis
of reinforced concrete columns.
It allows the analysis of relatively simple columns (e.g. in buildings) as well
as complex multi-column systems with variable cross sections, excentricities and
intermediate bearings for uniaxial or biaxial bending.
Nonlinear material laws as well as second order effects are considered.
PYRUS also serves as a post-process program for the CEDRUS building module. This allows the reinforced concrete columns of an entire building to be automatically dimensioned or verified.
User guide
You can choose between the «Building» mode for efficient editing of typical structural pillars and the «General» mode for analyzing general columns using all the modeling and analysis capabilities of the program.
- The entire processing is carried out on a single form
- The inputs are limited to the necessary minimum
- In addition to general cross sections, catalogs with predefined cross sections are supported. A standard catalog and registered catalogs of column manufacturers are available
- In this mode, the connections to the slabs are also verified
- A change from the «Building»- to «General»-mode is possible at any time if the calculation model is to be refined
- The controls for the full functionality of PYRUS are divided into the following five tabs: «Structure», «Loadings», «Design situations»,
«Dimensioning» und «Analysis»
Calculation model
The following points describe the calculation model for using PYRUS in «General» mode. Also the «Building» mode is based on this calculation model, whereby only a part of the possibilities is used.
- Arbitrary "continuous beam" under lateral and normal forces and biaxial bending
- Member axis with excentricities related to the column axis
- Arbitrary support conditions at the top and bottom as well as in intermediate points
- Elastig supports
- Cross sections in sections constant or linearly variable
- Different kinds of the definition of initial displacements (imperfections)
also load dependent
- Accepts parametrized or arbitrarily shaped cross sectionsn
- Arbitrary layout of reinforcement bars and tendons
Program window
Cross sections
- Separated definition of dead and live loads
- Concentrated vertical loads wit excentricities
- Concentrated horizontal loads and moments
- Constant and trapeziodal distributed loads
- Prescribed displacements and rotations
- Definition different hazard szenarios
- Hazard szenarios define a loading, an initial deformation,
creep parameters and the definition of the limit state
- Dimensioning of the reinforcement for serviceability and
ultimate limit states
- Verification of bearing capacity and effects of actions for
a column with a given loading and reinforcement
- Verification of serviceability: maximum permissible deformations
for different conditions (e.g. maximum permissible tension in refinforcement )
- Considering of creeping for a selectable part of the permanent loads
What was new in the former generations of PYRUS
The collected changes compared to the predecessor generation are listed