- Geometry of wall derived from parametrical base types, extendable
with ledges on the rear side
- Arbitrary polygon bounded soil layers
- Ground surface polygonal behind the wall and horizontal, followed by a constant
slope in front
- Polygonal water table
- Influence of seepage flow via contour lines of pore pressure
Ground model with various loads
- Concentrated loads
- Distributed loads, constant or trapeziodal
- Earthquake loads, horizontal and vertical
- Loads directly on the wall
Gravity wall
- Evaluation of earth pressure with generalized Culmann E line
- Increasable active earth pressure up to earth pressure at rest
- Consideration of secondary slip surfaces for ledges and heels
- Dead zones below ledges
- Verification of overturning by the eccentricity of the resultant force
for soft grounds and by the ratio of resisting and overturning moment on hard grounds
- Verification of sliding with optional consideration of cohesion and a key
- Evaluation of bearing capacity via standard or extended formula of Terzaghi
Graphic results
- Secondary slip surfaces and dead zones
- Hoizontal and vertical loading due to earth pressure
- Resulting foundation force
- Safety factors for overturning, sliding and bearing capacity
- Earth pressure, settlement and verification of base rotation
- Breadth of foundation
- Section forces and required reinforcement in wall, foundation and ledges
Numeric results
Stability of Retaining Walls
- The global stability can be checked using the stability analysis module S
- If the conditions for the use of the bearing capacity formulas are not fulfilled,
the bearing capacity can also be evaluated by the module S
- All input data of the retaining wall are automatically
transferred to the module S
Stability of a retaining wall