

Module of LARIX

The module offers the analysis of supports of excavations with and without ground anchors for structures like sheetpile walls, diaphragm walls, secant pile walls or soldier beam pile supports (Berlin−type walls). Construction phases can be simulated close to reality.


  • Horizontal soil layers with different cohesion values on the active and passive side
  • Ground surface horizontal, inclined or as a broken line
  • Bottom of excavation horizontal, inclined or with a berm
  • Horizontal water table on both sides of the wall; hydrostatic or hydrodynamic water conditions.
  • Closed or open wall systems with arbitrary bounding conditions at top of wall
  • Vertical or inclined wall with variable bending stiffness
Ground model

Construction States, Supports

  • Construction process in stages
  • Automatic evaluation of envelope results over all construction stages
  • Fixed and elastic supports
  • States "active" or "inactive" changable in the construction stages (installation and removal of supports like props, anchors)
  • The influence of support displacements can be studied


  • Constant superimposed load on the active and the passive side of the wall (e.g. for dismantling stages)
  • Uniformly distributed surface- and line loads on the active wall side
  • Earth pressure parts from loadings can be considered for the earth pressure redistribution
  • Concentrated and distributed loads on the wall
  • Earthquake loads, horizontal and vertical
various load types

Earth Pressure, Calculation Models

  • Calculation of earth pressures according to the theory of Coulomb
  • Earth resistances according to Coulomb, Caquot-Kérisel or Weissenbach
  • Redistribution of the wall pressure down to excavation depth, point of zero pressure or bottom of wall
  • Redistribution shapes: rectangle or polygon
  • Freely choosable component of the earth pressure at rest
  • Widely accepted methods for calculating the embedded depth, the section forces and displacements of the wall for a construction in stages
resulting wall pressure


  • Required embedded depth, if not predefined
  • Support forces for anchors and/or props
  • As graphic or table: wall pressures, shear forces, bending moments, displacements
Envelopes of bending moments over all stages

Stability of Excavations

  • Global stability and anchor lengthes can be checked using the stability analysis module S
  • All input data uf the excavation module including the calculated support forces are automatically transferred to the stability module
Stability of an excavation

Design of Cross Sections (option)

  • The option complements the excavation module with design capabilities for wall sections according to the SIA design codes
  • The cross section can be selected from a list of parametrized sections

Cross Section Types Closed Wall

    • Sheet pile wall
    • Diaphragm wall
    • Contiguous bored pile walls

Cross Section Types Open Wall

    • Soldier pile walls
    • Intermittent bored pile walls
Cross section types

Shared Properties