
3D Ground and Settlements

Option 3 of LARIX

The three-dimensional ground model forms the basis for settlement calculations with LARIX. It is also a convenient integration platform for 2D analysis, allowing to generate and manage multiple 2D analysis (options G, S and M) within a single project. In conjunction with CEDRUS the soil-structure interaction of bottom slabs with raft, pile or piled raft foundation can be analyzed. This option is characterized by an user-friendly GUI and by an analysis model suitable for practicing engineers.

3D Ground Model

  • Homogenous soil layers with freely chosen polygonal boundaries
  • Definition of boreholes for fast input of soil layer geometry
  • Terrain, groundwater table and bedrock defined as surface in 3D
  • Fast input of surfaces by defining fix points and isolines in the ground plan
  • Comprehensive visualization capabilities in 2D and 3D
3D Ground Model

Integration Platform

  • Generation of a 2D-analysis (options G, S, N and M) from a vertical section
  • Terrain, groundwater table, excavation wall and soil layers in the 2D-analysis are taken from the 3D model
  • Easy management of multiple 2D-analysis within a single 3D project
Integration Platform

Settlement Calculations

  • Calculation of terrain and foundation settlements within a selected domain

Analysis model

  • 3D analysis kernel based on classical methods of geotechnics
  • Developed for practicing engineers (no expertise in nonlinear FE analysis required!)
  • Input of mechanical properties of the soil is reduced to one parameter (Modulus of subgrade reaction)
  • Stress distribution according to the elastic half space theory
  • Calculation of stresses and strains due to vertical loading


  • Rectangular isolated footings
  • Piles with or w/o skin friction/base resistance: input of the load-settlement diagram (e.g. from a vertical load test)
  • Raft foundation (bottom slab) with general geometry 1)
  • Automatic modelling of foundation element interaction (e.g. group of piles)
  • Excavations (incl. excavation walls)


  • Distributed vertical terrain load
  • Single load on terrain
  • Vertical Load on pile
  • Vertical load on footing
  • Vertical load on bottom slab1)


  • Vertical soil stress: graphical output in 2D sections
  • Settlement of terrain: graphical output in ground plan
  • Settlement in soil body: graphical output in 2D sections
  • Pile forces and settlements: graphical and numerical output
  • Displacements/settlements of footings and bottom slabs: graphical output in ground plan
  • Soil pressure from footings and bottom slabs: graphical output in ground plan
  • All graphics as isoline or color intensity plots
  • 2D and 3D views of result plots
  • Printing of graphical and numerical output

Resulting settlements

Input for a pile

Stress distribution

Soil-Structure-Interaction 1)

  • Nonlinear modelling of interaction between building and soil, implemented in conjunction with CEDRUS
  • Analysis and Design of RC bottom slab
  • Supported foundation types of a slab: raft, pile or combined piled raft foundation
  • Import building data from CEDRUS (i.e. bottom slabs, pile locations, slab loadings)
  • Input of foundation type and calculation of settlements and soil pressures in LARIX
  • Export of foundation to CEDRUS (i.e. bedding of slabs, piles)


1) Requires CEDRUS with options G and F