Cross Sections
Geometry, Materials
- Cross sections are built up of one or more subsections
and optional reinforcement elements
- Each subsection has its own material (out of a library) which makes it
possible to treat composite sections.
- A subsection can be defined by a polygonal outline or as one or more
thin walled elements, defined by their axis and thickness.
- The input of a cross section or subsection can be effected in the
following ways:
- by constructing the section using the graphics editor
- by fetching an element from the comprehensive profile library
- by using a parametrized cross section
- by importing existing cross sections or subsections
- The existing library of parametrized cross sections includes
frequently used types like rectangle, T, etc. and can easily be extended
- Reinforcement elements can be defined as concentrated in a point
or distributed along straight lines or circularly
- Tendons are concentrated in points
Shear Walls
- For cross sections with arbitrary polygonal outlines, a suitable
model for designing web reinforcement can be defined separately by
introducing shear walls.
Cross Section Variants
- FAGUS supports cross section variants, especially for
dealing with forces, acting on different construction stages.
They are defined by:
- activating/deactivating of subsections
- changing of material properties in subsections
- assigning reinforcement groups to a variant
Cross Section Libraries
- Comprehensive rolled steel profile library
- Each FAGUS- and STATIK calculation can serve as cross section library
of which cross sections can be imported
- Import and export in DXF format
- Supports Windows clipboard for texts and images
- Import of cross section data from FAGUS-3/4/5 calculations
For all cross section types:
- Calculation of the efficiency factor (1/capacity) for a given load vector
(N, My, Mz, Vy, Vz,Tx). At least one of the load components must be variable,
the others may be kept constant
- Moment-curvature diagrams (My or Mz) for a series of normal force levels
- Moment-stiffness diagrams (My or Mz) for a series of normal force levels
- Evaluation of stress distribution for a given plane of strains
- Evaluation of stresses for a stepwise introduction of loads
or strain distributions on subsections, which on their part can be activated
step by step
- Evaluation of stress distribution for a given loading (N,My,Mz)
- General section force interaction diagrams for two components
out of (My,Mz,N) being variable and the third kept constant
- N-My-Interaction diagrams for a given reinforcement or for a series
of given reinforcement contents
For reinforced concrete sections:
- Design of the longitudinal and web reinforcement for a given loading
For thin walled cross sections:
- Evaluation of the shear center and the shear stress distribution
for given section forces (Vy,Vz,T)
Composite cross sections wit loading steps
- Stress analysis for a stepwise introduction of subsections and loadings
Analysis Parameters
- Free choice of the parameters defining the limit states for design,
verification of capacities and interaction diagrams
- Material depending resistance coefficients
- Pre- and userdefined materials, assignable to cross section elements
- Type of stress-strain diagrams for concrete, reinforcement and tendons
- Miscellaneous parameters like minimum reinforcement, angle of compression
diagonals, admissible stress for web reinforcement, ...
Supported Standards
- SIA, Eurocode, DIN, OeNorm (others on inquiry)