

Cross Sections
Definition and Analyses

FAGUS allows the definition of cross sections to be used in various Cubus programs. With its option Analyses it becomes a tool to solve a wide range of cross section tasks, mainly in the field of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures. FAGUS also deals with thin walled cross sections and calculates their shear center and shear stress distribution due to shear forces and torsion. SIA, EC2, DIN, OeNorm are amongst the supported standards.

FAGUS also serves as a postprocessor for STATIK for verification and design tasks and its calculation modules are used by several other Cubus programs.

Cross Sections

Geometry, Materials

  • Cross sections are built up of one or more subsections and optional reinforcement elements
  • Each subsection has its own material (out of a library) which makes it possible to treat composite sections.
  • A subsection can be defined by a polygonal outline or as one or more thin walled elements, defined by their axis and thickness.
  • The input of a cross section or subsection can be effected in the following ways:
    • by constructing the section using the graphics editor
    • by fetching an element from the comprehensive profile library
    • by using a parametrized cross section
    • by importing existing cross sections or subsections
  • The existing library of parametrized cross sections includes frequently used types like rectangle, T, etc. and can easily be extended


  • Reinforcement elements can be defined as concentrated in a point or distributed along straight lines or circularly
  • Tendons are concentrated in points

Shear Walls

  • For cross sections with arbitrary polygonal outlines, a suitable model for designing web reinforcement can be defined separately by introducing shear walls.

Cross Section Variants

  • FAGUS supports cross section variants, especially for dealing with forces, acting on different construction stages. They are defined by:
    • activating/deactivating of subsections
    • changing of material properties in subsections
    • assigning reinforcement groups to a variant

Cross Section Libraries

  • Comprehensive rolled steel profile library
  • Each FAGUS- and STATIK calculation can serve as cross section library of which cross sections can be imported


  • Import and export in DXF format
  • Supports Windows clipboard for texts and images
  • Import of cross section data from FAGUS-3/4/5 calculations


For all cross section types:

  • Calculation of the efficiency factor (1/capacity) for a given load vector (N, My, Mz, Vy, Vz,Tx). At least one of the load components must be variable, the others may be kept constant
  • Moment-curvature diagrams (My or Mz) for a series of normal force levels
  • Moment-stiffness diagrams (My or Mz) for a series of normal force levels
  • Evaluation of stress distribution for a given plane of strains
  • Evaluation of stresses for a stepwise introduction of loads or strain distributions on subsections, which on their part can be activated step by step
  • Evaluation of stress distribution for a given loading (N,My,Mz)
  • General section force interaction diagrams for two components out of (My,Mz,N) being variable and the third kept constant
  • N-My-Interaction diagrams for a given reinforcement or for a series of given reinforcement contents

For reinforced concrete sections:

  • Design of the longitudinal and web reinforcement for a given loading

For thin walled cross sections:

  • Evaluation of the shear center and the shear stress distribution for given section forces (Vy,Vz,T)

Composite cross sections wit loading steps

  • Stress analysis for a stepwise introduction of subsections and loadings

Analysis Parameters

  • Free choice of the parameters defining the limit states for design, verification of capacities and interaction diagrams
  • Material depending resistance coefficients
  • Pre- and userdefined materials, assignable to cross section elements
  • Type of stress-strain diagrams for concrete, reinforcement and tendons
  • Miscellaneous parameters like minimum reinforcement, angle of compression diagonals, admissible stress for web reinforcement, ...

Supported Standards

  • SIA, Eurocode, DIN, OeNorm (others on inquiry)

Features and Properties shared by all Cubus Programs

All Cubus programs use shared modules like the CubusExplorer for organizing the computation data, the CubusViewer for printing and print preview and most of them also share the same graphics editor for the input of graphical objects.  more...

What was new in the former generations of FAGUS

The collected changes compared to the predecessor generation are listed here.