Reinforcement modul (Option R)
Regarding structural design problems the reinforcement module essentially moves on compared
to the base module: The reinforcement of the slab is directly defined via rebars and meshes and
is also being dimensioned. The detailed and optimized generated configuration of the bending
reinforcement can be transferred to CAD programs for the purpose of plan views.
Definition of the reinforcement
- Definition of reinforcement fields (single rebars and meshes) with prescribed
geometry and variable area
- Definition of reinforcement fields as parallelograms with rebar and layout
directions or as arbitrary polygons
- Arbitrary rebar direction (i.e. also skewed reinforcment)
- Specification of minimal reinforcement
- Separate input of bottom and top reinforcement
- Support of several reinforcing variants
Structural design
- Ultimate state design according to codes
- Design based on elastic envelops of moments
- Automatical selection of the proper rebar diameters, rebar distances and mesh types
from editable rebar lists and mesh lists
Plastic desgin optimization
- Optimized plastic design taking into account redistribution of plastic section forces
- Optimization of the required mininal amount of reinforcement
- Amount of reinforcement can significantly be reduced compared to elastic solution
- Huge flexibility in defining the reinforcent layout due to plastic design
- Predefined reinforcement with rebar and mesh positions
- Elastic and plastic reinforcement moments
CAD data exchange
- Import of structural data and reinforcement data
- Export of designed reinforcement (requires extra option AP)
Ultimate load module (Option T)
In the case of change in use or reconstructions of existing structures the additional
resistance of the structure has to be determined and the efficiency of possible strengthenings
has to be verified. The ultimalte load module can be used to solve these problems
by estimating the additional resistance of the structure realisticly taking the plastic
behavior of the matrial into account.
Defintion of the reinforcement
- Definition of the rebar and mesh positions by reinforcement fields
- Choice of steel type from an editable material list
- Definition of the loading by a list of sequentionally applied load levels
- Load levels as a combination of arbitrary loadings
Material model
- Nonlinear moment curvature relationship
- Realistic material model with yielding and subsequent hardening
- Consideration of the participation of the concrete between the cracks
- Nonlinear finite element analysis with a Newton-Raphson procedure
- Interactive control of the analysis with graphical progress plots
of the main parameters
- Verfication of rotational capacity according to codes (EC2 E-DIN 1045)
- Verification of punching shear safety
- Ultimate load factor for loading
- Graphical plot of the princaple curvatures, crack localizations and deformations
- Viewing of hazard zones (punching, saturation of the rotational capacity)