
Building modules

Options G and H of CEDRUS

With the building modules CEDRUS enters the third dimension by stacking CEDRUS-slabs. The generated building models feature graphical checks, mass extracts, calculation models for top-down analyses of vertical and horizontal loads and three-dimensional frame models for earthquake analyses with STATIK.

Option G

With the aid of option G it is possible to generate a geometric building model from CEDRUS-slabs. A direct benefit of this approach are easy visual checks of the generated building and mass extracts ordered by various criteria as well as a top-down analysis of vertical loads. This way the import loadings which are needed for the structural analysis of the storys are available directly. This option is basis for the option H which provides further calculation models.

Geometric building model

  • Contains all geometric data of a building and the material properties of each structural element.
  • The input is based on CEDRUS slabs according to the base module.
  • CEDRUS slabs can directly be used as storys or as master storeys for generating multiple storeys of same types.
  • The building is a result of stacking slabs at specified levels.
  • Slabs with translated and rotated geometry can be handled like in the case of two buildings based on the same parking garage or in the case of of stepped buildings.
  • The graphical output of the entire building or of arbitrarily defined partial systems in different formats allows easy visual checks
  • By extracting lists of mass (areas, volume mass) from the slabs, walls and columns of the entire building an overview of the main building's data can be obtained quickly.

BIMlink - Building Information Modeling

  • Reading of 3D BIM files in IFC format (versions 2x3 and 4) and in Allplan XML format (option AP required)
  • Generation of the storey structure for the calculation model from the 3D model
  • For high quality 3D BIM models:
    Direct generation of the building model. Slabs, columns, walls, beams and superimposed loads and imposed loads can be generated for each floor for the calculation model.
  • For low quality 3D BIM models:
    Generation of intelligent 2D floor plans. Efficient construction of the floor data in CEDRUS through data transfer from these background plans.
  • If the 3D BIM model is missing:
    Definition of the floor structure and floor-by-floor import of DXF / DWG plans. Fast construction of the floor data in CEDRUS based on these background plans (option CV required).
  • Update of the 3D BIM data:
    Detection and display of changes in the BIM data in 3D and 2D (floor plan). Display of new, modified or deleted components for the purpose of quickly adapting the relevant floor data.
  • Export of the building geometry to a file in IFC format (version 2x3).
  • Generation of the storey structure for the calculation model from the 3D model
geometric data of a building model
BIM architecture model

Rendering of a terrace house
BIM storey

Top-down analysis of vertical loads

  • Fully automized according to the stacked slab model (the loads at the bottom of the walls and columns are determined for each storey and transferred to the next load bearing storys.)
  • Subsequent to the top-down analysis the floor slabs can be analyzed and the reinforcement can be designed.

Reinforced concrete wall pillars (with FAGUS (A) license)

  • Calculation method based on stress fields for better efficiency factor of the distributed reinforcement
  • Better utilisation of distributed reinforcement
  • Design of earthquake walls possible without nodal reinforcement
  • Comfortable reinforcement inputs for walls or wall pillars or the entire building in a table with supporting structural graphics
  • Rapid detection of the critical walls and pillars of the building with few user inputs
  • Construction of the detailed reinforcement with bar diameter and spacing
  • Requires a license from FAGUS, option A
Wall pillar with stress fields
Wall pillar with stress fields

Reinforced concrete walls (with option S)

  • Walls with large openings and load interceptions can be calculated directly in the slab stacked model using the FE method.
  • Determination of the reinforcement based on the geometry, material and load data from the slab stacked model.
  • With the option H earthquake walls can also be examined.
Reinforced concrete wall
Reinforced concrete wall pillars in the 3D structure view and in the design dialog with reinforcement details

Dimensioning of reinforced concrete columns (with PYRUS license)

  • All columns are recorded in a table and can be edited, dimensioned or verified from there.
  • Columns of the same geometry are grouped and treated together. Also supported is an additional sub-grouping according to normal force ranges. This allows buildings to be dimensioned efficiently and practically even with many columns.
  • The analyzes are based on the building module of PYRUS (see here).
PYRUS-Dialog for dimensioning columns

Superstructural rigidity

The slab stacked model automatically determines the stiffness values of walls and columns from the configuration of the elements below when the structural rigidity is activated. This leads to realistic deflections and foot forces on walls and supports.

Option H

The option H is based on the option G and offers further calculation models. Top-down analyses of horizontal loads (wind, earthquake,...) can be carried out, masonry walls can be verified and frame models for earthquake analyses using STATIK can be generated.

Top-down analysis of horizontal loads

  • Honrizontal loads can be imposed on the membrane of each sorey.
  • Lateral forces can automatically be generated.
  • As in the case of vertical loads the top-down analysis is carried out with the stacked slab model. The loads are subjected to the walls and columns with respect to their stiffnesses by fulfilling the state of euqilibrium and are transferred to the next story.
  • Each wall can individually be configured in order to bear forces horizontally or not.

Horizontal loads

Verifying masonry walls

  • Masonry walls can automatically be verified for numerous combinations of loadings (composed of vertical loads, wind loads, earthquake loads,...) according to the Swiss design code SIA 266.
  • The verification is handled by the program MURUS. For this purpose it is automatically called with all necessary input data (requires a licence of MURUS).
  • For each wall the compliance factor is computed by MURUS which is the result of a limit state analysis in which the vertical loads are constant and the horizontal loads are variable.
  • The results can directly be checked at any time in detail by calling MURUS manually with an automatic data transfer.
Compliance factors

Verification of masonry walls with MURUS

Generating frame models for earthquake analyses using STATIK

  • In most cases Cubus considers spatial frame models to be most capable for earthquake anlyses as they are required according to SIA codes.
  • For that reason a complete frame model for earthquake analyses using STATIK can be generated by the buildung module.
  • The generation process of the model can be configured in several ways. Either a modell purely consisting of cantilever walls without taking into account any stiffness of the slabs or a frame model taking into account downstands and plate strips can be generated. It is also possible to join wall segments to pillars and to define walls which do not bear loads horizontally.
  • Beside the structural data the loadings and mass are also transferred to STATIK so that an analysis can be started right away.