Details on modeling
- Outlines and openings with arbitrary shapes
- Zones with different slab thickness, material model (isotropic, orthotropic, flexible for drilling)
and material properties
- Downstands as stand-alone objects
- Columns with arbitrary shaped cross sections and supporting zones; automatically computed stiffness of
vertical displacements
- Point supports, line supports and area supports (foundation slabs) with any desired elasticity properties
- Lines of symmetry
- Support without tensile force transmissions for all types of supports
- Joints with various characteristics such as hinge stiffnesses and separating lines
Floor plan of slab
3D top view of the slab
3D bottom view of the slab
Loading types
- Area loads with polygonally shaped boundaries applicable for handling dead weight, uniformly distributed loads
and temperature differences
- Uniformly and trapezoidally distributed line loads and line moments of any type of shape
- Point loads and point moments
- Prescibed discplacements and rotations of supporting points
- Influence fields for moments, deformations and reactions
- Automized generation of unfavorable load patterns
- Load assignments to actions according to codes (SIA, EC, DIN, OeNorm)
Area, line and point loads
Management of impact categories
Finite elements / solving procedures
- Arbitrarily shaped triangles and quadrangles with hybrid formulations; nodes with 3 degrees of freedom
- Fully automized mesh generation incorpoarting global or zoneweise specifications of mesh density and principal directions
- Fast solving procedures
- Unlimitted number of elements
Finite element mesh
of loadings and combinations of loadings
- Section forces (moments and shear forces) zonewise in arbitrary directions
- Principal moments, maximal shear forces
- Deformations
- Reactions, in case of line supports as mean values section by section
- Automized export of the reactions in order to load underneath arranged slabs
of envelopes
- Automatical superposition of loadings according to the selected code
(actions, hazard scenarios/design situations)
- Reinforcement moments zonewise in arbitrary directions, shear forces
- Amount of reinforcements zonewise in arbitrary orthogonal directions, designed
for ultimate state or permissible steel stresses
- Deformations
- Reactions, in case of line supports as mean values section by section
- Punching shear check
Output format
- The results can either be visualized graphically (isolines, 3D view, sections,
princaple plots, reaction plots) or numerically tabular formatted.
- Evaluation of section forces and reinforcement results along beam sections
(integrated values across the section width)
Isolines and numerical-graphical plot
Section results
Section results in a separate window
Demanding amount of reinforcement
More features
User interface
- Easy graphical input of all geometrically defined data with common CAD tools
supported by the object-oriented Graphics Editor
- Multi-leveled undo/redo operations
- Easy modification of all input data that can be either of specific objects or of
object groups
- General management of all input objects according to their type by using layers which can be
activated and deactivated individually
- After a modification of the input data the desired result is availabe again with a push of a button
(automized checks and results)
- Transfer mechanism of any input object from one calculation to another via copy & paste
- CAD drawing functions for finalizing figures (dimensioning, labeling, line and area objects)
- Configuration of the environment (object colors, symbol size, font size, dimension units
and number of decimal places of all values, defaults in dialogs)
- Detailed context help system and hints at the cursor; the manual can be displayed on the
screen and can be scanned for any term.
- Import of DWG/DXF files (requires the extra module CADview)
- Import of slab and building models from Allplan (requires the extra module AP)
- Text interface (ASCII format) for importing structural data of slabs
- Export to the clipboard (WMF, EMF, DXF)
- Export of reinforcement results to Alplan, Bamtec (requires extra module AP)
- Plugin-interface for punching programs
Printing, print preview
- Report update after a modification of the input data
see also at shared features at CubusViewer
Calculation management
see at shared features at CubusExplorer
Supported codes
- SIA, Eurocode, DIN, OeNorm (more on request)
Application window
Dialog of material zones