Multiple Licenses:
- The first license of a software module for a company or a conglomerate is a license of type A and it is charged with 100% of the list price.
- Should a company or subsidiary already own a valid licence for a software module, a B-licence of that module may be acquired for use on a stationary system at the location of the company or subsidiary. A discount of 40% ist granted for B-licenses.
- The first license in a subsidiary of a conglomerate that already owns an A-license can be acquired as a B-license for which a discount of 40% is given.
- For more details see point 5 of the «End User License Agreement for Cubus Software
Network Licenses
They are treated like standard licenses with the following two exceptions:
- An additional fee of 10% is charged.
- Additional licenses can be acquired as a B-license for which a discount of 40% is given.
- For more details see point 5 of the «End User License Agreement for Cubus Software